Backup & Recovery

Your data is your most precious business asset – don’t risk losing it for good.

Critical data backup and recovery is pivotal to your ongoing success. Everyone knows how to do it, but are they doing it correctly? We take the time to ensure complete, secure backups of your data – so you can focus on your core business competency.

Data loss can be prevented

It’s important to understand the full effect that data loss can have on your business:

  • What information will you lose if your computer system stops working, gets hacked or stolen?
  • How much revenue will you lose?
  • How will it affect your reputation?
  • Will you be able to carry on trading?

Get data protection in place now

No small business can afford down time from I.T systems.

Jed I.T will back up your computer daily, as well as protect it against viruses, malware, ransomware, and do all the Microsoft updates for you to ensure smooth running of your business.

Some of the issues that Jed I.T will look out for when backing up (protecting) your data:

Technology failures
The faster technology moves, the more failures you can be prone to.

Solid State disc drives have no moving parts, and have less chance of mechanical failure; but the drives still fail, usually catastrophically.

We’ll help prevent data loss from technology failures.

The human element
We Kiwis love to DIY. But it’s best to know what you’re capable of, and what you should leave to the experts.

We’ll make sure your PCs, servers and other equipment are all protected from DIY “experiments” so you don’t suffer unnecessary downtime.

Often overlooked is how long it takes to recover, and restore data

We’ll set your systems up to make this as quick as possible – and provide you with replacement equipment wherever possible.

All technology can fail – USB hard drives, USB pen drives, tape drives.

Thinking you have a data backup, and then finding out you don’t, is almost worse than having no backup at all!

We’ll ensure all of your technology, and your data, is protected.

Data Recovery vs Data Backup
Data recovery is backing up the complete working environment of systems; whereas data backup involves only the files.

Think of it like a reference book: it has cover, contents page, chapters, and an index.

Recovery is the entire book, as it last was, including the bookmark!

Backup is we’ve got all the chapters, but the formatting is a bit rough.

The data – the chapters – are intact, but we need some time to recalibrate the contents and index pages, and glue it all together.

Disaster Recovery
This is next level – if your office building burns down, how long would it take to re-open for business?

What if your backups are next to the computer equipment, and the building is damaged?

You may not even be able to obtain access to get to your backups.

A good data backup strategy is like insurance: no one really wants it, but it’s always best to have BEFORE a catastrophe strikes.

With ransomware, your data is encrypted, and you can’t access it without paying a ransom, usually $000s.

Jed I.T can put you in a better position to minimise the risk of this happening.

Power surges
Even in the 21st century, we do experience power cuts. When the electricity comes back on, this often creates a power surge.

Computers and servers are sensitive to power fluctations and surges. This can result in catastrophic damage.

We’ll review your systems and equipment, to make sure you’re not at risk of losing data and/or functionality from damage to your computers or servers.

Cloud providers
Just because your data is in the cloud, that doesn’t mean it’s completely protected – or recoverable.

As your trusted I.T partner, we’ll make sure what you store in the cloud is usable, protected as much as possible from corruption, and properly backed up.

Versioning / Retention
Jed I.T ensures that 28 days of versions are kept with your backups.

So if you accidentally delete any information, we can help you retrieve what you need.

Don’t let any of these issues affect your business. Let Jed I.T take care of everything for you, so you can have total peace of mind when it comes to your data.

Interested in protecting your business? Please fill out your details below.

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